As every country is trying to ease their lockdowns, and opening their economies, there’s a big possibility of another wave of COVID-19.

Sadly, as this pandemic has taken each country by surprise, imposing lockdowns didn’t eliminate the virus.  It will still be out there, and as lockdowns ease, more people will become sick.  

Medical experts predict there will be another wave, but many governments are more concerned at the moment with reopening the economy than with preventing or lessening the impact of another wave.

As long as we’re not vaccinated, we are at risk of catching the virus.

So should we expect another lockdown?

No one expected to experience a complete lockdown in our lifetimes.  Yet we did. 

Are you thinking of anything you would do differently if another lockdown is called in your community?  


What different preparation steps should we take in anticipation of yet another wave?  Be sure you’re supplied with some of the basics.

Even if there won’t be additional lockdowns, you will still be able to use these items for other situations such as self-quarantine or other national emergencies.


When should you start getting the supplies above?

Don’t wait up for another lockdown to happen! Prepare as soon as possible.  Whether that is through online ordering or in-person shopping. 

Let us not make the same mistake, that we wait to stock up the items above when everybody is also looking for these.

Of course, we should avoid hoarding such items, so just make sure that you’ll have enough supplies for you and your family for 2-3 months.

Once you see that the items above re-emerge in the supermarkets or online, start buying them. If you have a tight budget, just buy only the items you think are most important for you and your family.


Be mentally prepared!

Of course, this is easier said than done. But since this is the new normal now, we don’t have a choice, do we?

Check our article about Mental Health Lockdown, which may help you to stay positive amidst the negativity we have right now.

You can also check How to Keep it Sane with your Family when in a Lockdown. We know how insane it can be in quarantine even though it’s in your own house with your family. But the recent events can bring anyone into a mental breakdown, even kids! So we’ve prepared some activities you could do with them while in lockdown.

And lastly, another lockdown may mean a reduction in earnings, again! So we have Money-Making Opportunities amid COVID-19 Lockdown, which can help you find other means to bring in income for your household.


Having another lockdown is no joke. When we first experienced it, the first week is kinda fun and exciting. You don’t have to wake and be on the streets so early in the morning. But as the days go by, and the number of infected increases daily, there’s no guarantee that we will be able to combat this virus.  We are starting to lose our sanity. 

And now that governments are easing the lockdowns, to save our economies, this should be the time that we really prepare. We’ve all experienced it first hand, so don’t be caught off guard again. Make sure you’ve got all you need to ensure a safe, secure, and enjoyable lockdown or quarantine with your family.

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